It truly is crazy the variety of types and flavors of smoothies that you can find these days. From chunky monkey to very berry, the options are endless. But what makes smoothies even better? The potential they have to be healthy. Plus, making a healthy smoothie ultra healthy isn’t that hard! Sometimes, all it takes is adding one or two extra ingredients. For that extra health boost, consider adding one or two of these foods to your next smoothie!

1. Coconut.

Whether it’s in flake, oil, or water form, coconut will not only add a healthy twist but tastes delicious too.

18 Healthy Additions To Make Your Morning Smoothie Even More Glorious via Smoothie Handbook

2. Maca.

This is a good way to get some caffeine into your system if you need a little extra energy in your day.

18 Healthy Additions To Make Your Morning Smoothie Even More Glorious via healing the body

3. Banana powder.

Yeah, sure you can add regular bananas but sometimes that adds too much bulk to your smoothie. Bananas in powder form, however, make your smoothie-making process much easier.

18 Healthy Additions To Make Your Morning Smoothie Even More Glorious via Feminiya

4. Cocoa.

One of my personal favorites. Adding a tablespoon of cocoa powder not only gives your smoothie a delicious taste but it has very few calories and like dark chocolate, has belly fat reducing effects!

18 Healthy Additions To Make Your Morning Smoothie Even More Glorious via AGRICULTURAL WIRE